
5 Steps to Create a Data-Driven Culture
Demand for analytics professionals has become so intense, candidates can pick and choose among potential employers. One of the more important things they tell us they look for is the right culture: They want to work in an organization where data matters…

The 5 Pillars of Digital Analytics Transformation, by Greg Dowling
Digital Transformation has been a hot topic in enterprise strategy for over a decade, however most organizations are struggling with one of the key elements of this transformation – how to effectively measure and optimize digital customer experiences. Driving digital transformation at the enterprise level requires not only the realignment of business models and strategies…

Talent War in Life Sciences
Much has been written in the past year about the “Great Resignation.” Quantitative ranks (data scientists, biostatistics, bioinformatics professionals) have been among the hardest hit in this wave. Spurred by the pandemic, this undeniable trend has forced pharmaceutical, biotech, and healthcare companies to develop new strategies to attract and retain their valuable quant talent. Leaders…

How Thomas Edison Screened Job Candidates
Thomas Edison had a very specific and peculiar way of interviewing research assistants for his labs. He’d invite candidates out for a meal and then order soup for the table. The reason for this soup test was that the famous inventor wanted to see if the applicants added salt and pepper before tasting what was…

How to Write a Good Data Scientist Job Description for the Bio/Health Space
Quantitative professionals – including data scientists – are inundated with inquiries from recruiters. Many of the people that we interviewed report that they are presented with at least one new job opportunity per week and some weeks they get 2 or 3. As a result, they tend to tune out the vast majority of the…

Location Of Quant Professionals In Bio/health
In the post-COVID world, location is not as important as it once was since most companies have adapted to a virtual workforce among their hard-to-recruit and talent groups. That said, there are still many who look for local talent. In addition, it is at the very least interesting to see the talent distribution by location…

Experience Distribution Among Quant Professionals In Bio/health
This graph shows the number of quant professionals that work in the bio/health space in the United States based on their career levels. The groups are divided into 5-year increments and represent professionals who work across data science, bioinformatics, and biostatistics – a total of approx 18,000 workers. These workers are currently employed in…

Number Of Quant Professionals By Industry
We thought it would be interesting to see which industries employ the greatest number of “Quant Professionals.” In this graphic, we divide them among each of the industries that we cover in our Life Science recruiting practice: Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, and Medical Device. There are four groupings, each representing a group of closely related…

The Best Biotech Companies to Work as a Data Scientist if You Want to Get Rich
We are in what seems to be the ‘golden age of biotech.’ New companies are being created every year, and new astounding discoveries are being made, improving the lives of many (fig. 1). Not only this, but more and more data scientists are becoming paramount for these types of companies. The biotech sector presents tremendous…

5 Things Data Scientists are Looking For in Their Next Role
Data scientist is one of the hottest jobs in the world. Over the next 5-years the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that 11.5 million new roles will be created. Harvard Business Review calls it “the sexiest job to have in the 21st century.” Supply and demand greatly favors the talent side of the recruiting equation….
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