
5 Steps to Create a Data-Driven Culture
Demand for analytics professionals has become so intense, candidates can pick and choose among potential employers. One of the more important things they tell us they look for is the right culture: They want to work in an organization where data matters…

The 5 Pillars of Digital Analytics Transformation, by Greg Dowling
Digital Transformation has been a hot topic in enterprise strategy for over a decade, however most organizations are struggling with one of the key elements of this transformation – how to effectively measure and optimize digital customer experiences. Driving digital transformation at the enterprise level requires not only the realignment of business models and strategies…

CAO and CDO Skills That Matter When Disruption Is the New Normal
Disruption is the new normal. We’re in the midst of a digital transformation that some are calling ‘4th Industrial Age,’ and disruption is the main characteristic of this revolution. There’s no mistaking that this is a train that not only has left the station, but is also going very fast. Those who are waiting for…

Attend DA Hub: A Unique Analytics Conference
DA Hub is the industry’s premier digital analytics and optimization conference. It’s an engaging, hands-on event that you won’t want to miss. Join us to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the industry. An astonishing 100% of last year’s DA Hub attendees said that they came away with practical advice they could implement…

Why You Need a CAO in Your C-Suite in the Age of Big Data
Nothing is transforming business faster today than the rise of data and analytics. But to deliver on the promise of both, organizations are coming to the realization they need someone in the C-suite solely focused on analytics initiatives. As research firm Gartner notes, they “need new executive roles that bridge the gap between ‘business’ and…

Experience: More is Not Always Better
We have had several experiences recently that spotlight this issue. Three of our clients over the past few months have given us interesting analytics roles to fill with the same notable problem: They were insistent on too many years of experience. In one case the client was looking for marketing modelers at the senior analyst…

Recruiting & Retaining Analytics Talent Workshop
There is no reason to quote the dozens of surveys and articles on the subject… every analytics executive knows that finding and keeping talent is at the top of their list of challenges. In the first workshop of its kind, our experts at IQ Workforce can help solve that problem in one day. Our Recruiting…

Justifying an Advanced Analytics (or Data Science) Team
Building an “advanced” analytics organization has entered the mainstream among companies looking to unlock value from their data. As a talent services firm focused on the analytics space, we talk to at least one executive every week who is looking to hire data scientists or advanced analytics professionals to start a team. Along with the gold rush into analytics,…

5 Steps for Coaching HR to Improve Analytics Recruiting Results
Talent acquisition teams in corporations are generalists by necessity. It is impossible for corporate HR and talent acquisition teams to be experts in every niche and discipline and it makes little commercial sense to hire specialists for niches like Analytics (even if you could find them). So the process of recruiting these niche, rare candidates…
Analytics Executive Search
IQ Workforce is known as a top recruiting firm for the digital, marketing & customer analytics communities. We have always offered executive-level analytics placement, but have recently expanded our capabilities in the Director-through-CXO range. A big part of our expansion was the addition of Sharad Dabral as a Managing Director. Sharad had 20-years of experience…
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